Thursday 3 August 2017

Inquiry about our body organs.

We used collaboration, perseverance, growth mindset and curiosity to work out where all the organs of the body go. We used books, asked questions and looked at posters to find the information we needed to complete the task. Come into school and have a look at them around the room.

Amanda came to visit to teach us about swallowing.

Amanda came and talked to us about swallowing. We learnt about our mouth, larynx, our trachea and lungs, our oesophagus and stomach. We learnt what happens if food goes into our lungs and how our larynx vibrates when we make some sounds when we are talking.

Our vital organs

As part of our inquiry into the body we have created models showing where our vital organs live.

We worked together as a team and used various objects from the classroom to represent the heart, liver, kidneys, along with a host of other organs.

Helping circle

We have been trialling using a helping circle at a different time in writing. We do our planning picture  and then have a helping circle. Then we can share our ideas with a buddy, help each other with some of the sounds we need for the words we want to write and also think about the goal we want to focus on when we are writing. It is helping us to feel better about our writing.

Inquiry about our "Joints in our Body".

Today we investigated to find out "What is the point of a joint"?
We made joints out of straws, sticks, ping pong balls, playdough, wool, ice block sticks and rubber bands. We identified where the joints are in our body and we looked around the school for other mechanisms that have joint like actions.
Did you know, the door has three joint like mechanisms....the handle, the hinge and the door stopper.
Did you know an ipad, chrome book and laptop have joint like mechanisms?
Did you know the toilet has a joint like mechanism on the seat and lid?

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Buddy reading.

We have done a great job with buddy reading and reading to ourselves since we got back to school this term. All that holiday reading has paid off. 
Great attitude everyone! And thanks parents for all the support with keeping the reading going.